Divorce Articles
Are There Common Reasons for Wanting a Divorce?
Interviewer: What are the top reasons people tell you why they want to divorce? Mark Kezy: That really depends. As I mentioned earlier, particularly when people get a little bit older, is that they don’t necessarily hate each other. They just stop being a couple. Many people I see have been so busy raising their families, running their businesses or their professions or their practices, that at some point they just stop being a couple. It’s not that they have a girlfriend or a boyfriend; …
Is Spousal Maintenance Only Paid by the Husband?
Interviewer: What about in regards to spousal maintenance? Mark Kezy: Maintenance was formerly referred to as alimony. There are many terms for it, but they call it maintenance in Illinois. If a woman is making more money than her husband and she’s making substantially more money than her husband, she could end up paying spousal support. Not only could she end up paying a larger portion of the marital estate to the husband, she can actually end up paying spousal support to her husband. …
Child Custody Articles
Child Custody Issues
Interviewer: Can you please give us an overview of child custody issues? Mark Kezy: If my clients have children, I generally start off any discussion with regard to divorce with custody and visitation. The reason is that, usually, that’s the most time consuming and the most expensive part of any divorce. As far as custody goes, a lot of times, people aren’t fighting over joint custody or sole custody. They’re fighting over where the children are going to reside. Sole custody generally …
Common Misconceptions about Child Custody
Interviewer: What would you say are some of the top misconceptions that people have about custody? I know you mentioned one earlier. Mark Kezy: One of the top misconceptions about custody is that joint custody means that the children are going to reside with both parents equally. As I explained, that’s really not the case. There’s sole custody and there’s joint custody, but it’s regardless of whether you have a joint custody or sole custody arrangement. The children are going to …
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