Category Archives: Orland Park Family Law Attorney
Support of a Disabled Adult Child
For most parents who make child support payments, their obligations often end when their children graduate from high school and turn 18 years old. These situations are well within the “normal” provisions of Illinois law governing child support. In certain cases, however, the law provides that either or both parents can be required to continue supporting a child after the child has reached the ageContinue reading
Defending a Dissipation Claim in Divorce
There are plenty of challenging aspects to any divorce situation. In addition to the unquestionably difficult emotional turbulence, most couples must also deal with a number of practical considerations as well, including arrangements regarding children, spousal support, and the division of assets and property. While each process, of course, includes its own unique intricacies, the dividing of assets and property can, in many cases, set the toneContinue reading
Studies Suggest Increased Risk of Suicide in Divorce Situations
It is well known by most people, whether through personal experience or a loved one, that divorce can often be the most trying time in your life. Effecting you socially, economically, and, more important, emotionally, these issues can weigh heavily on you, leading to severe and extremely dangerous psychological distress with consequences that can be deadly. The stress and emotional turbulence that divorce brings can prove toContinue reading
Consider Eliminating Debt Prior to Divorce
If you are considering a divorce, you probably realize that your life is about to get fairly complicated, at least for a little while. You and your spouse will need to work out a large number of considerations, which, depending on your ability to work together—or lack thereof—may lead to stressful negotiations. For many couples, dividing the marital estate can be among the most challenging of allContinue reading
Property Division in Divorce: We Each Get Half, Right?
The honest answer to that question is “maybe.” You and your spouse may, in fact, each end up with half of your marital assets, but an exactly even division is not guaranteed, and, in all honesty, probably not very likely either. This is thanks to the property division approach set forth under Illinois law, which takes a large number of factors into account when allocating marital propertyContinue reading
Adopting a Stepchild in Illinois
As the number of remarried adults in the United States reaches all-time highs, blended families have quickly become a new social norm. More and more individuals are entering marriages with children from a previous relationship. For some, such children can add a level of complexity to the new marriage, as the family must contend with visitation schedules and support orders. For many, though, the children simply addContinue reading
Questions to Ask When Hiring a Divorce Attorney
It may be clear to you that divorce is on the horizon. You may realize that it is only a matter of time and you want to be prepared. For many, being prepared means finding a legal professional who will best represent their interests during the divorce proceedings, both at the negotiating table and, if necessary, in the courtroom. In northern Illinois, there are many divorceContinue reading
Structured Settlements in Divorce
In many divorce cases, the division of marital property is a challenging process. Both partners often feel that they have contributed significantly to the couple’s acquired assets and the marriage overall. As such, each partner may have particular needs or desires when the time comes to negotiate how the property will be distributed. For some, once the negotiation has resulted in a workable agreement, the marital assetsContinue reading
Life Changes and Child Support Order Modification
At any given time in the state of Illinois, nearly half a million child support cases are in effect, supporting more than 510,000 children. Nearly $290 million is collected annually as a result of such orders, and if you have children with your ex-spouse or ex-partner, some of that money supported your child. Those who pay child support in Illinois, generally have a good idea of howContinue reading
Children’s Testimony in Custody Cases
It is a hard truth that when many parents decide to divorce, they are unable to work through an agreeable child custody arrangement. Instead, many of these cases become a heated, mud-slinging, all-out battle. There are many different reasons for this scenario. In the majority of cases, it is because both parents truly love their child and do not want the child to only be withContinue reading