Category Archives: Spousal Maintenance
Knowing What You Want: Asking for Spousal Maintenance in Divorce
The role of each spouse in a marriage is often unique to that particular couple’s needs and circumstances. The days of presuming that the husband will work a nine-to-five job while the wife tends to the home and children are all but gone. Of course, couples are free to choose such an arrangement, just as they are free to choose one in which the wife is theContinue reading
Temporary Spousal Maintenance and Child Support Orders
When you start the divorce process, there is no way of knowing for sure how long it will take to reach a resolution. In the meantime, it can be very difficult to move forward in your life as you wait for the allocation of marital property and other inherent concerns. Financial obligations are often cause for concern in divorce as well, with issues of spousal maintenanceandContinue reading
Spousal Maintenance Is Not Guaranteed in Divorce
In previous generations, marital and family relationships looked much different in many ways compared to those today. Many, if not most, relied on a single income—usually the husband’s—while the wife maintained the marital home and cared for the couple’s children. Divorce, although significantly less common than in today’s world, tended to leave one spouse—usually the wife—without the ability to provide for her own financial needs. SpousalContinue reading
Understanding Fixed-Term Maintenance
As part of the family law changes that went into effect this month, courts will now have the authority to enter fixed-term orders for spousal maintenance during a modification review. Dating back to the beginning of last year, fixed-term maintenance has been an option for new orders related to the dissolution of shorter marriages, but has now been extended to modified orders as well. What is Fixed-TermContinue reading
Family Law Changes for 2016: Divorce
Throughout the last few months, various posts on this blog have been discussing some of the expected effects of the family law reform passed in Illinois in the summer. For the first time in nearly four decades, a large portion of the existing statutes regarding divorce, child custody, and parentage is being completely overhauled. With the effective date of the new provisions fast approaching—they are setContinue reading
Should I Ask For Spousal Maintenance?
When you are going through a divorce, there will almost certainly be a large number of decisions to make. If your divorce is more amicable, you and your spouse may be able to reach an agreement on many issues. If not, however, the court will be required to decide on concerns such as property division, parental responsibilities, and parenting time. Spousal maintenance, on the other hand,Continue reading
Cohabitation Can End a Spousal Maintenance Requirement
After a divorce, one party may be required to make spousal maintenance payments to the other for a designated period of time. Sometimes called alimony, spousal maintenance is intended to help offset the financial impact of divorce to a spouse who, in many cases, seeking to regain independence and self-sufficiency. Most court-ordered support awards include a provision regarding the duration of payments, either for a limited numberContinue reading
Can We Negotiate Our Own Maintenance Agreement?
As you navigate the process of divorce, you and your soon-to-be ex will have a large number of issues to consider. You will need to think about which of you will get what property, arrangements for your children, and how you will deal with life after divorce. For many couples, the issue of spousal maintenance, or alimony, can be particularly complex, as it is often difficultContinue reading
Maintaining Your Lifestyle During and After Divorce
When you got married, you and your spouse were probably committed to the idea of building a long happy life together. You were looking forward to sharing a home, taking vacations, and, generally, establishing a certain standard of living throughout the course of the marriage. After your wedding, you and your partner likely settled into a particular lifestyle, intentional or not, and became accustomed toContinue reading
Re-Entering the Workforce after Divorce
Adjusting to a post-divorce life is often very difficult. While the divorce may have been absolutely necessary for the long-term health and happiness of both spouses, it can certainly have a major impact on their lifestyle and future. This can be especially true for a spouse who, during the marriage, was primarily a homemaker or a stay-at-home parent. The new family dynamic may mean that stayingContinue reading