Tag Archives: Illinois divorce
When is Spousal Maintenance Appropriate?
There is a prevailing misconception among many that spousal maintenance is always awarded in Illinois divorces, and this is simply not the case. Multiple questions and factors go into determining whether a grant of maintenance is appropriate, and sometimes the answer may go against a husband or wife who may actually be in need. Hence, if you are going through such a case, it isContinue reading
The Benefits of Collaborative Law
The divorce process can be one of the most legally complex and stressful events in the life of a family. For some couples, they want their divorce to end as quickly as possible. Others, for various reasons, want to see what can be a vicious legal fight drag on for as long as possible. Collaborative law, however, is a method outside of a traditional divorce that canContinue reading
Controlling Costs in Your Divorce
For many divorcing couples, the process of ending a marriage can quickly become very expensive. This is especially true for divorces that drag on for months or even years before being finalized. Depending on the circumstances, expenses related to hiring an attorney may be among the highest, but there are many other considerations that could drive the costs of your divorce through the roof. Instead of tryingContinue reading
Staying in Control of Your Divorce
Ending your marriage through the process of divorce can be complicated and, at times, overwhelming. There are, however, steps that you can take that can help reduce the confusion and keep you focused on the new life that awaits on the other side of your divorce. Perhaps the most important thing you can do is to work closely with a qualified divorce attorney who can provide theContinue reading
Divorce and Your Wallet: Five Ways You Can Protect Your Finances in the Midst of Separation
When faced with an impending divorce, the thought of further burdening yourself with the financial aspects of the split is less than appealing. It is understandable that soon-to-be ex-spouses would prefer to skirt over money matters, but sadly, money has to be addressed at the end of the marriage, otherwise both parties are in for a potential storm as the divorce process unravels. Damage Control AsContinue reading
What Can You Expect to Pay for an Illinois Divorce?
Many couples who decide to file for divorce wonder how much it will cost them. Generally, it is the monetary value they are referencing. However, many are also curious about the amount of time it will take to complete the process. The following information can give you some guidance, regardless of whether you are planning on filing for a complex, high asset divorce or a simple, uncontestedContinue reading
Special Needs Children and Divorce
While any child may experience negative consequences after a divorce, those with special needs are considered to be at the highest risk for emotional, financial, behavioral, and developmental problems. This is because the future, health, and development of a special needs child often rely on continued care and treatment. Many also struggle with changes to their environment. If you are filing for divorce and haveContinue reading
Talk to Your Divorce Lawyer About Billing Practices
One of the most common questions that many people have about the divorce process is in regard to how much it will cost. Most divorce attorneys will tell you that there is no way to know for sure how much you should expect to pay because it all depends on the complexity of your case and how quickly you and your spouse can resolve your differences. WhileContinue reading
Common Mistakes in a High-Asset Divorce
Divorce is rarely easy in any situation. It can be even more challenging, however, when there are substantial amounts of money or valuable property involved. The complexities presented in a high-asset divorce can lead to months and, in some cases, years of complications as a single mistake can literally cost you millions of dollars. Unfortunately, many people in the midst of a high-asset divorce fall victim toContinue reading
Temporary Spousal Maintenance and Child Support Orders
When you start the divorce process, there is no way of knowing for sure how long it will take to reach a resolution. In the meantime, it can be very difficult to move forward in your life as you wait for the allocation of marital property and other inherent concerns. Financial obligations are often cause for concern in divorce as well, with issues of spousal maintenanceandContinue reading