Tag Archives: paternity
Registering as a Putative Father Can Protect Your Rights
Recent estimates indicate that two out of every five babies born in the United States are born to mothers who are not married at the time. The rate is even higher among certain racial groups and socioeconomic classes. Regardless of ethnicity or income level, single parenthood is a daunting concept, and many unwed mothers often give thought to the idea of putting their child upContinue reading
Paying Support for a Child Who Is Not Yours
When an unmarried couple finds out that they are expecting a baby—and especially if it is a surprise—men are generally expected to “do the right thing” and to provide for the mother and the child. This is often the case even if the man and woman are not involved in a committed relationship. For many people, “doing the right thing” means voluntarily acknowledging paternity andContinue reading
The Rights of a Father During Divorce
Many people have a misconception that during a divorce, the mother always takes the children. In Illinois, that just simply is not the case anymore. While, in the old days, this story may have rung true more often than not, times have changed and are continuing to change. Our firm is dedicated to helping any father who wants to be in the lives of hisContinue reading
The Importance of Establishing Paternity
Establishing paternity means much more than just child support for a single parent. Whether or not the child has a legally-recognized father can make a huge difference in the child’s life—for his or whole life, not only childhood. Paternity does not necessarily imply that the father is present in the child’s life on a daily basis. It only means that the father is legally and fiscally responsibleContinue reading
The Presumption of Paternity
While most people understand the importance of establishing paternity for unmarried parents, little thought is often given to the paternity of children born to a married couple. In a large majority of family situations, paternity will never be an issued for married parents, but there are some cases in which the presumptions made by law can actually complicate matters. If you find yourself in such aContinue reading